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Falkirk Employment Law combines the employment law expertise within two local firms to create one dedicated employment law service and for the first time ever in the area, local employers are able to access a service that is dedicated specifically to law in the workplace.
Here’s a step by step guide to the work we carried out for Falkirk Employment Law to help them to launch and establish this exciting new business venture:
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Find out how we have worked with the Grapevine to deliver all aspects of their marketing campaign to successfully launch it both in Selkirk and now in Galashiels. This has included development of the brand identity and signage for Grapevine, a contemporary new website for the County Hotel and the Grapevine, organisation of the launch event, a Press and PR campaign as well as a dedicated social media campaign.
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A plan whether it is a Business Plan, a Feasibility Study or a Marketing Plan should give you a definite route to follow so that you can identify and achieve your goals. This may be to successfully get planning permission from your local authority for a new development or to extend your existing business, it may be to access grant or bank funding or it may be to increase profit in your business or a mixture of these goals. There are many reasons to have a plan but in this edition we thought we would look at three reasons why you should invest.
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"Right from the branding through to the website, the launch and ongoing support, the team have been unique and tenacious in their approach and friendly manner. An amazing experience leaving me delighted with the results and excited about the future. I would recommend Bright Light Marketing to any business needing that total marketing solution at an affordable price."
Caroline Dunn More...
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E-newsletters have to be one of the most effective and affordable marketing communications available to any business but are something that can often be overlooked and undervalued.
• Attracting a new customer will cost your business 5 times more than keeping an existing customer.
• Just a 5% increase in spend to existing customers can increase profitability by 75%.
• 80% of your company’s future revenue will come from just 20% of your existing customers.
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Don’t market your business like your competitors – stand out from the crowd and get noticed.
We hope these three tips will give you food for thought and assist your business in attracting new customers over the Autumn period and beyond.
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Don’t worry that you have already missed the train. We can help make sure that you and your business make the most of the Borders Railway and benefit from the new customers that it will bring. Here are five simple ways we can help you and your business get noticed (and apologies for the train related puns in advance!)
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"Working with the team at Bright Light has been a fantastic experience. They very quickly understood exactly what we needed and were able to transform that into a brand identity supported by a promotional campaign that was incredibly effective. I look forward to continuing to work with them through the development of our exciting new business." Iain Burke
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How Bright Light Marketing can help you to get real and steady business from Facebook and Twitter.
Facebook campaign £150 per month
Twitter campaign £150 per month
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Through working closely with you we make it our business to become extremely well versed in your particular industry and develop a really good understanding of your products and customers.
Here’s a run through of just some of the different forms of communication we use for our clients on a daily basis.
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Bright Heat Stoves is the brainchild of father and son team Hamish and Fraser Hunter from Stow.
With such a good concept, it was clear from the beginning that there was a strong business case for the new venture. But to capitalise on the potential, Hamish and Fraser needed help to raise awareness and successfully launch the business in the market place from scratch
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Shining a seasonal bright light on a selection of our clients. You will see it’s quite an eclectic mix but every single one of them has a unique quality product or service on offer that we think you will love. We really hope this gives you some great ideas and inspiration for the festive season and you enjoy reading their individual stories too.
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Ultimately the test of a good plan is ‘Does it work?’ Your objective might be to successfully launch a new product, sell more to existing customers, reach new markets, and reposition your business in the marketplace or all of the above!
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It goes without saying that the Pubs and Bars of Scotland are wonderful places to have fun, meet locals and learn more about this great country. But we were also keen to tell visitors and fellow Scots the many fascinating stories about our pubs, some you might know and others that you won’t.
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It’s time for a sweeping statement from Bright Light Marketing.
Generally as a nation we are not very good at blowing our own trumpet and get embarrassed in promoting ourselves and ultimately asking people to spend their hard earned money with us. And of course how to get your message out effectively is easier said than done as marketing communication can be a real minefield.
Don’t worry help is at hand, the art of communication is alive and kicking.
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Do you know your Trending from your Blogging? Your Strapline to your SEO?
If not, don’t worry help is at hand.
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Ultimately Oink has a loyal customer base because it is a great product which many residents of Edinburgh and visitors to the capital love. However Adam and Sandy were very aware from the outset that in order to ensure business all year round they needed to not only have a great product but they also needed a strong attractive brand and they needed to let as many people as possible know about Oink.
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Pubs have always played an integral role within Scottish tourism. Where an average of 30% of visitors to Scotland will visit a pub during their stay.
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"To survive in today's fast-moving world and to compete with the big spend of the national charities, we needed professional help - and fast. Bright Light Marketing came highly recommended and did not disappoint. Probably the best investment we have ever made in our organisation....."
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Ultimately Oink has a loyal customer base because it is a great product which many residents of Edinburgh and visitors to the capital love. However Adam and Sandy were very aware from the outset that in order to ensure business all year round they needed to not only have a great product but they also needed a strong attractive brand and they needed to let as many people as possible know about Oink.
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Bright Light Marketing would argue that as effective as social media is (and we see the benefits for business on a daily basis) you do need to consider some key questions before you get started. We thought it would be useful therefore to give you five key tips to consider before getting started on your social media journey that will ensure that you get the most out of social media and are not left wondering what all the hype is about.
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What is a Blog?
Five reasons why you should use blogs as a key communication tool for your business.
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Summer can traditionally be a time when businesses don’t pro-actively market themselves, such as tourism businesses because it is main season and for others who are busy running their business and dealing with holidays. However people still need products and services over the summer. So we thought we would give you three simple tips to market your business over the summer and make sure when people are buying products and services that they think of your business.
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We recently held a first in what we hope will be a series of breakfast seminars. Our first topic was how to make the most from LinkedIn.
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Do you believe that action speaks louder than words?
Well to a certain extent that might be true but in business you can run the risk of being a best kept secret. You might know what a fantastic business or product that you have but are you telling your story and getting your messages out there to potential customers?
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A blog is a good way of driving traffic to your website and also making you more interesting on social media thereby increasing your likes and followers on Facebook and Twitter, aswell as establishing your expertise on the likes of LinkedIn.
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And the simplest way of promoting your blog and indeed your website is to use social media to do so. Add your blog article to your Facebook business page, tweet the article and don’t do this once do it over and over again over the course of a couple of days and once you have built up a library of articles you can regularly choose one to tweet about.
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What methods do you use to promote your business and just as importantly why do you use them? Of course, marketing has a number of communication tools and outlined below are a list of the main ones but which is best for your business?
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There is a lot of cynicism, scepticism and distrust about social media. Like any communication tool it has its pro’s and con’s and like any communication method the rule of thumb is simple, never say anything on it that you wouldn’t be happy saying to someone’s face! However in the Bright Light Marketing office we are a champion of social media. Why? Well because it brings us business direct to our door, it’s free to use and we use it very effectively for our clients. So we thought we would showcase some examples from three different professions – retail, tourism and professional services.
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Social Media is set to rise and that means that some if not a lot of your customers will be using the medium so you need to too.
Sell your products – Social Media won’t just raise awareness of your products it will actually result in sales. Bright Light Marketing know this from personal experience and also has worked with many businesses who have found the same to be true.
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Like any business we are proud of the clients that we work with and love to talk about them in our communications. It makes our clients look good and showcases the work that we do. But there is some work that we do that we keep 100% quiet about.
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You see and hear the hype about Social Media and know that your business should be involved but you don’t now where to start?
Or have you started and it’s not working as you don’t have the time to commit to it?
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It is our belief that Social Media is one of the most cost effective and targeted ways of promoting your business. Like any marketing communication tool you need to realise it will take time for you to be established, Rome was not built in a day and you need to start the process by asking yourself a few simple questions.
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We have featured quite a few articles on Social Media during 2011 and it’s not just because it’s the latest buzzword in the marketing world. It’s because it works and can be used as a central part of your marketing activity. Here are another three reasons why we think social media works for businesses.
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Many people will have already ditched their New Year resolutions while others are bravely carrying them on. But what about your work resolutions? How have you done with them? And have you communicated with your customers in 2011? If not why not? We offer up three common excuses.
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Product - Your product needs to be the best it can be in the market that you are in and for the type of customer that you are wanting to attract....
Price - Look at price carefully....
Promotion - You want people to notice you and know that you are there....
Communincate - Why should a customer continue to spend money with your business if you don’t give them a reason to....
Customers - At the end of the day business is all about the customer. All businesses either succeed or fail on this point....