"Sometimes a well established group needs outside help to organise its collective thinking! Borders Pet Rescue had been around for a long time, with a very dedicated core of staff and volunteers. But we recognised that to survive and thrive in today's fast-moving world and to compete with the big spend of the national charities, we needed professional help - and fast. Bright Light Marketing came highly recommended and did not disappoint. They were happy to work with our diverse team, coaxing out our values, moulding our branding, encouraging us to learn and love social media! They have not changed who we are. But rather have discovered who we are and helped us to present that to a much bigger audience. Probably the best investment we have ever made in our organisation - and we enjoyed it! Thank you!"
Jane Vickers, Development Co-ordinator, Borders Pet Rescue
Borders Pet Rescue (formerly known as Borders Animal Welfare Association) approached us last summer for help with their marketing activity. In particular they needed help to raise awareness of the charity and get their messages out, to develop a modern new trading name and brand identity and crucially to produce a marketing strategy that would enable them to grow and secure their long term viability.
As a local animal charity in the Scottish Borders, the organisation had successfully re-homed literally thousands of animals during the past 30 years. But to ensure that Borders Pet Rescue could continue to provide care, shelter and loving homes for animals in need, the time was definitely right to tell their story and let people know about the valuable work of the charity and how they could support it going forward.
The team took the bold decision to completely re-brand with a memorable new name which reflects exactly what it stands for and which raises its profile in the local community. As a result Borders Pet Rescue was launched, providing a platform to build a bright future for the charity so that it can continue to help animals in need for many years to come.
Joined up thinking
The values and messages for Borders Pet Rescue are extremely strong but the charity needed help in getting them across and telling their story more effectively. Here’s an overview of what Bright Light Marketing have helped them to achieve through a joined up thinking approach to their marketing activity.
The first thing we did was to work with the team to produce a comprehensive Marketing
Plan which provided the charity with clear objectives for the short, medium and long term. This plan has provided Borders Pet Rescue with a marketing road map showing where it wants to be and exactly how to get there.
Brand identity
Included within the Marketing Plan was a Brand Development Plan which identified values, key messages, suggested trading names, accompanying straplines and recommendations as to how to launch and implement the new identity in the marketplace. As a result Borders Pet Rescue – because animals matter was born.
Promoting the brand
The contemporary new name and brand identity certainly challenged existing perceptions and made a confident statement about what the charity stands for. It also provided a whole host of great promotional opportunities and the new brand was applied to signage, print, social media platforms, website, team uniform and onto promotional goods and exhibition materials.
This also provided the charity with the opportunity to completely re-brand the Rescue Centre in Earlston as well as re-branding their charity shop in Galashiels. This was so successful that they have since opened up a second charity shop in Duns. 
Launch event
The new brand identity and promotional materials provided the perfect springboard to re-launch the charity and tell its story. To maximise the opportunity a launch event was held at the Rescue Centre, branded invitations were sent out to a targeted audience, press releases issued and promotional materials launched. The event was very well attended and a huge success, new Friends of the charity were signed up, press and radio coverage achieved as well as providing a superb fundraising opportunity too.
Social media
New media has of course played a vital role in telling their story and interacting with people since the launch. In particular, Bright Light Marketing helped the charity reach new audiences on Twitter and have grown a targeted following as well as building Facebook and encouraging the team to use it more strategically. As a result there has been a significant increase in people following Borders Pet Rescue and each and every post achieves amazing interaction.
Borders Pet Rescue now send out regular e-newsletters to a growing database of interested friends, supporters, volunteers and interested parties. This is an engaging and highly cost effective way of communicating the latest news, photos and topical content on a monthly basis.
Networking and recruitment
And of course personal contact is vital and the team are working hard to continually spread the word via face to face meetings, seminars, exhibitions and events as recommended in the Communications section of the Marketing Plan. This also provides a great opportunity for Borders Pet Rescue to recruit supporters, friends and volunteers – all of whom are absolutely vital.
This joined up approach to marketing has certainly provided Borders Pet Rescue with a confident new brand identity and image and raised the profile of the charity as well as giving them a much more strategic approach to their marketing, which the team are carrying out brilliantly. Of course this marketing work never ends but we are proud to have helped to put the foundations in place and set Borders Pet Rescue off on their marketing journey.