It’s time for a sweeping statement from Bright Light Marketing.
Generally as a nation we are not very good at blowing our own trumpet and get embarrassed in promoting ourselves and ultimately asking people to spend their hard earned money with us. And of course how to get your message out effectively is easier said than done as marketing communication can be a real minefield.
Don’t worry help is at hand, the art of communication is alive and kicking.
Whether it’s the more modern forms of communication like Twitter, Facebook, Blogging, interactive E-newsletters and Websites to more traditional forms such as press releases, advertising, signage or brochures and leaflets.

And sorry to use football parlance, but at the end of the day it all boils down to the same thing – communication and words!
If like many people you know how good your business or product is but struggle to tell your story, haven’t got the time or simply don’t like doing it. Professional help is at hand, we offer all our clients an invisible and seamless service that is right for you and your business.
Now you might say how can we do that when we don’t know anything about your particular product, destination, activity or industry? And if we are honest with you before we start sometimes not very much but something we do know how to do is tell a story effectively. Through working closely with you we make it our business to become extremely well versed in your particular industry and develop a really good understanding of your products and customers.
You’d be absolutely amazed at what we write about. Actually we’d be pretty handy in a pub quiz!
Here’s a run through of just some of the forms of written communication we use for our clients on a daily basis.
We write copy for everything from full brochures to promotional leaflets to point of sales materials, posters and packaging. The art here is to be able to get your messages across in a way that your audience ‘gets’ but not say too much and switch them off.

Combined with top quality graphic design, we develop clever and effective advertising for our clients by writing copy which is fresh and engaging. We will definitely make sure that you stand out from the crowd.
We can research content, write copy and deliver your regular e-newsletters in a creative and engaging way – but at the same time get you bookings and sell your products or services.
Twitter and Facebook
On a daily basis we Tweet for many of our clients and post Facebook messages too. If social media isn’t your thing we can make sure you have a presence which keeps your customers bang up to date and just as importantly get you business.
This is a good way of telling a more detailed story about a particular development or initiative or even a really good way to show off your expertise in your field. This adds credibility for your business but at the same time improves your search engine ranking and drives traffic to your website.
Press and PR
We are experienced in writing and delivering press releases, advertorials and invitations which grab attention and generate interest and exposure for our clients.
As you will see Bright Light Marketing have the ability to handle all of your communication requirements, in all of their guises. Leaving you to get on with doing what you do best – running your business, developing your products and services, looking after your customers and your team.
What I suppose we are saying is that you can take care of the action and leave us to take care of the words.
For an informal chat about how Bright Light Marketing can get your business the attention it deserves then give us a call on 01750 505051 or email us at