The Pubs and Bars of Scotland have certainly got A Story to Tell ……………
It goes without saying that the Pubs and Bars of Scotland are wonderful places to have fun, meet locals and learn more about this great country. But we were also keen to tell visitors and fellow Scots the many fascinating stories about our pubs, some you might know and others that you won’t.

The stories are varied and certainly eclectic; from Robert Burns to Irvine Welsh, The Beatles to The Killers, Roy Rogers and Trigger to Dame Helen Mirren! Whisky Galore to Harry Potter, the birth of whisky to the Stone of Destiny and just about everything else in between.
From the pub that is located in an old Drovers Inn to a former Victorian Gin Palace, we have some of the oldest, quirkiest and most iconic pubs and bars where shipbuilders, jute barons, fishermen and miners have rubbed shoulders with famous writers, politicians and entertainers.
Scotland’s pubs are steeped in tradition and in some cases have been welcoming patrons for hundreds of years but they continue to be the cornerstone of our communities today and represent an experience that is truly Scottish.
To make it really easy for users, we have presented the stories in twelve different interest categories and they can search by local region too. From sport and music to literature and whisky, we have colourful stories to tell from every corner of the country.
We hope you have fun discovering your favourite pub story and we’d love to hear what you think of the App too?
For a wealth of great stories visit www.scotlandspubsandbars.co.uk where you can download the FREE Scotland’s Pubs and Bars App.
Visitors are finding this perfect when they are travelling around and don’t have access to the internet by simply downloading the App onto their phone or tablet first.
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