Bright Light Marketing


As we officially head out of recession you don’t need us to tell you that things are still pretty tough out there for business.

However consumer confidence is slowly rising and it is vital that we all look after our customers and plan for the future now.

In our latest Newsletter we thought that you’d be interested to find out about some of the latest trends which will shape consumer behaviour in the coming year as well as a good news story from one of our clients who has ridden the storm and is now enjoying increased attendance and real growth. We also talk about Best Practice and how it is always possible to learn from others and tell you how we very successfully introduced two completely different companies.

We hope that these features give you some knowledge and inspiration for the year ahead and if you would like to find out about how Bright Light Marketing can help get your business noticed then give us a call and we’d be more than happy to have a chat with you.

Very Best Wishes, Fiona, Janice and Fiona

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