Bright Light Marketing

Keep Calm and Carry On

Welcome to the latest edition of our Bright Light Marketing Newsletter.
In these turbulent times the old message of Keep Calm and Carry On seems particularly relevant and as such we have featured some really practical marketing advice which businesses can implement cost effectively and easily.

This month we include a surprising feature on Social Networking and discuss how this very modern way of communicating can actually bring you direct business. We are also delighted to showcase some of our exciting new clients and to let you see the diverse range of businesses we are currently working with. And last but not least we want to tell you about one of the best ways of talking to your customers, the E-Newsletter.

So yes, there’s a lot in the world we can’t do much about something we can all do is keep working hard to successfully grow our business both now and in the future.

Yours, Fiona, Janice and Fiona

Are you getting your share of the Twitter Pie?

Variety is the spice of life

Very Good News

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