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We have mentioned Twitter and Facebook and highlighted it in our March news as one of the key trends for 2010. It is easy to be cynical about social networking as something that is for the kids or for people who have too much time on their hands. However small to large companies across the UK are finding that it is a valuable marketing tool that can raise awareness of your company, draw traffic to your website and actually bring you business. Still cynical? Well you are not alone so we thought we would show through live examples how social networking can be a targeted and cost effective marketing tool for your business.
News & Updates | Strategy | Brand Development | Campaigns
We’re not one’s to name drop but ……. we just wanted to let you know about some of the exciting new clients we are currently working with. It’s been a very busy start to the year and we are marketing some really interesting and highly original new projects.
News & Updates | Strategy | Campaigns
Your existing customers are the most valuable source of business both through repeat business and referrals. On average it costs 5 times more to attract a new customer than it does to keep an existing one and E-newsletters are an extremely effective way of keeping customers coming back and in growing new business too.
E-newsletters can be used for any type of business and Bright Light Marketing have generated some superb results for many of our existing clients.
So how do E-newsletters improve customer communications?