Case Studies | Campaigns | Press & PR
It is very difficult for any business with the daily pressures of running the operation, looking after staff and taking care of the finances and perhaps marketing is something that you don’t really plan for properly ? Maybe you just don’t have enough time in the day.
News & Updates
Is your business ready for 2010 ? and will you make the most of the opportunities ?
It may seem obvious but it is surprising how few businesses regularly communicate with their best customers. Your existing customers are the most valuable source of business both through repeat bookings and referrals. On average it costs 5 times more to attract a new customer than it does to keep an existing one and this has never been more important than in the current climate.
Case Studies | Campaigns
In an incredibly competitive market place it is very difficult to stand out from the crowd no matter how good your product is. To stay ahead businesses have to continually invest in their product and staff and come up with clever marketing to get themselves noticed.
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Don’t just dismiss social networking as the latest fad!