The Good, The Bad and The Ugly – Summer Competition
We love looking at the good and not so good examples of marketing. Some can make us laugh and some w e confess can make us weep. So on a recent wet day when the sunshine of April seemed like a distant memory we decided to run a fun competition looking for the funniest and most absurd signs.
We are looking for signs that you see that make you laugh, give you inspiration or make you cringe. So while you are out and about this summer be sure to look out for the good, the bad and the ugly examples! Take a photo and send them to us and we will showcase them in future editions of the newsletter as well as on our Facebook page. The winners will be sent a bottle of Pimm's and we will showcase as many as possible over the next few months. So get sign spotting, take photos and send them to us at info@brightlightmarketing.co.uk.
Want a laugh visit www.signspotting.com
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