We firmly believe that the key to successful marketing is to really think like a customer and to try and put ourselves in our customers shoes. Never assume that potential customers know exactly what your product is like and that they always understand what is on offer to them.
Sometimes we can get too close to our own business so it is vital that we communicate key messages consis
tently and show the overall customer experience as clearly as possible. One of the best ways of doing this is through quality and highly targeted photography which can bring this to life for them and allows the customer to picture themselves enjoying the same experience or product.
We are delighted to be working with an exciting new company called Classic Camper Holidays who hire out vintage VW camper vans from their Scottish Borders base. Holidays in classic camper vans obviously appeal to a wide range of customers and it is important that when speaking to customers you use appropriate images for them.
That is why we undertook a recent photo shoot with Classic Camper Holidays in different locations and with different life stage stage customers too. This photography is currently being used in a successful national Press and PR campaign as well as in all promotional methods such as on their website and in printed materials too.
Whatever business you are in we strongly recommend that you invest in quality photography which really does your product justice and which speaks to your customers in a very individual way. And don’t go for clinical shots with no-one in them but bring your product to life with people enjoying themselves.
Never again should customers say to you – “ You know your product is so much better in real life and your website/brochure
just doesn’t do it justice”.
These are the customers who you have converted but what about the ones you didn’t ?
Alongside finding a good accountant, the best decision we made in setting up our camper van rental business was to appoint Bright Light Marketing to coordinate our marketing and PR activities. In addition to some sound advice about making the most of social networking to promote our brand, the local PR campaign has given our company fantastic exposure in the run up to our first rental season. The resulting healthy flow of bookings has given our business the best start possible. We look forward to consolidating this position and building brand awareness across the UK following Bright Light’s imminent national press campaign. Mark and Verity Tuckwood, Classic Camper Holidays
Photography by Jason Baxter.